viernes, 3 de julio de 2015

ginger to your body

Over time, the ginger is exported to the Roman Empire, which became a culinary phenomenon therapeutic purposes.

Ginger has served as traditional Chinese medicine for over 2000 years, whose specialty was to improve digestion to reduce the symptoms of diarrhea, nausea and stomach problems. Over time, the ginger is exported to the Roman Empire, which became a culinary phenomenon therapeutic purposes. Since then, the West took care to combine, use and promote the use of ginger in all its variants.

They began a rigorous analysis of their therapeutic benefits, where it was discovered that ginger helps to loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting derivative surgeries and cancer treatment, flatulence, intestinal problems, cramps, dizziness, among others. Some argue that this rhizome family cardamom, turmeric and galangal, reduce the symptoms associated with respiratory tract such as bronchitis, coughs; menstrual problems, arthritis and muscle pain.

Therefore, in Ecoosfera, assisted by Medical News Today, we share the therapeutic benefits of integrating ginger to your daily diet:

Reduces inflammation of the colon. According to a study in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, a person reduces the risk of developing colon cancer by reducing inflammation in the area.

It relieves muscle pain caused by exercise. At the University of Georgia (USA) it found that daily consumption of ginger helps reduce pain from physical activity to 25 percent. Each study participant felt improvement in the functioning of the arms, inflammation and pain levels.

Nausea resulting from chemotherapy. It reduces the feeling of vomiting up to 40 percent. This happens because the ginger absorbs chemicals early chemotherapy, serving as an anti-inflammatory.

Helps fight ovarian cancer by reducing to death those cancer cells through apoptosis (commit suicide) or autophagy (attack each other).

Asthma symptoms. Ginger can function as beta agonist, which helps to relax bronchial smooth muscle.

The liver damage caused by acetaminophen (Tylenol, paracetamol, etc.), which is associated with hepatotoxicity. Ginger helps prevent liver damage, easing the stress oxitativo like a vitamin E.

Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). Researchers at the Islamic Azad University found that 82.85 of women in the control group who consumed ginger capsules, reported improvements in symptoms of fraud

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