viernes, 3 de julio de 2015

ginger to your body

Over time, the ginger is exported to the Roman Empire, which became a culinary phenomenon therapeutic purposes.

Ginger has served as traditional Chinese medicine for over 2000 years, whose specialty was to improve digestion to reduce the symptoms of diarrhea, nausea and stomach problems. Over time, the ginger is exported to the Roman Empire, which became a culinary phenomenon therapeutic purposes. Since then, the West took care to combine, use and promote the use of ginger in all its variants.

They began a rigorous analysis of their therapeutic benefits, where it was discovered that ginger helps to loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting derivative surgeries and cancer treatment, flatulence, intestinal problems, cramps, dizziness, among others. Some argue that this rhizome family cardamom, turmeric and galangal, reduce the symptoms associated with respiratory tract such as bronchitis, coughs; menstrual problems, arthritis and muscle pain.

Therefore, in Ecoosfera, assisted by Medical News Today, we share the therapeutic benefits of integrating ginger to your daily diet:

Reduces inflammation of the colon. According to a study in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, a person reduces the risk of developing colon cancer by reducing inflammation in the area.

It relieves muscle pain caused by exercise. At the University of Georgia (USA) it found that daily consumption of ginger helps reduce pain from physical activity to 25 percent. Each study participant felt improvement in the functioning of the arms, inflammation and pain levels.

Nausea resulting from chemotherapy. It reduces the feeling of vomiting up to 40 percent. This happens because the ginger absorbs chemicals early chemotherapy, serving as an anti-inflammatory.

Helps fight ovarian cancer by reducing to death those cancer cells through apoptosis (commit suicide) or autophagy (attack each other).

Asthma symptoms. Ginger can function as beta agonist, which helps to relax bronchial smooth muscle.

The liver damage caused by acetaminophen (Tylenol, paracetamol, etc.), which is associated with hepatotoxicity. Ginger helps prevent liver damage, easing the stress oxitativo like a vitamin E.

Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). Researchers at the Islamic Azad University found that 82.85 of women in the control group who consumed ginger capsules, reported improvements in symptoms of fraud

10 Natural and home remedies for cough

The cough occurs when viruses, bacteria, dust, pollen or other substances irritate nerve endings in the airways between the throat and lungs. Coughing is how the body is free from these substances and clean passages.

But while chronic cough may be a sign of a serious disease, most people consider to cough more as a nuisance than a health event. And while many people, feeling the beginning of a cough, go straight to the pharmacy to buy medicine, experts from the American College of Chest Physicians suggest that this is a waste of money. There are a variety of home remedies that work as well or better than the pharmaceutical combinations. These are the most effective:

1. "syrup" honey cough

There is scientific evidence that honey may be effective in treating cough and sore throat. You can take it directly or, for best results, mix honey with coconut oil and lemon juice. You can also try the old remedy of grandmothers before bed: a shot of whiskey or brandy mixed with honey.

2. A warm bath

Open hot water, close the windows and turn off any type of fan. The steam can be the worst enemy of cough; but also your best friend. The steam works airway softening and loosening nasal congestion and phlegm in your throat and lungs. (Although if you suffer from asthma, the steam can exacerbate cough).

3. Tea black pepper and honey

For wet cough you can try a remedy tea pepper and honey; It said to work because the pepper stimulates circulation and flow of phlegm, and honey is a natural cough relief. Use a teaspoon of fresh pepper and two tablespoons of honey in a cup, then fill it with boiling water. Cover and let soak for 15 minutes, strain and drink. (Note, for people suffering from gastritis recommend not ingest any pepper).

4. thyme tea

In Germany, thyme is a treatment for cough, respiratory infections and bronchitis officially approved. Small grass leaves contain a powerful remedy that calms the cough and relaxes the muscles of the trachea, while reducing inflammation. You can make thyme tea by steeping two tablespoons of crushed thyme in a cup of boiling water for ten minutes, and then strain. Add honey and lemon improves the taste and adds strength to remedy.

5. Drink lots of liquids

Drink plenty of fluids, whether any of the teas listed here or plain water, can be very good to relieve cough. Fluids help thin the mucus and keeps the moist membranes, which helps to reduce coughing.

6. Cough Drops

The drops of menthol cough drops numb the back of the throat, which helps to tame the cough reflex.

7. Suck a lemon

This popular remedy is really efficient. Prepare half a lemon and add salt and pepper, then suck it.

8. commercial mixtures of tea

Most health stores have a variety of teas to the cough. The tea of ​​mint, hyssop or elderflower, for example, are very good at this.

9. Ginger

Ginger has many properties, and has been used since ancient times for its medicinal properties. It has antistamínicas and decongestants capabilities. You can make a ginger tea by adding 12 slices of fresh ginger in a pot with three cups of water. Let simmer for 20 minutes and remove from heat. Strain and add a spoonful of honey and squeeze a lemon. Try it; if it is very hot add more water.

10. Licorice

Licorice root (or licorice) has been used for centuries to treat coughs. Licorice can help soothe inflamed or irritated throats to cure coughs. You can suck the stick of licorice or let it boil for 20 minutes. Strain it, add a tablespoon of honey and lemon and drink.